The beginning of healing!

Dr. Nickie Ann

Author & Christian Counselor

Nickie Ann Cespedies (Nikki S. Reed) is a Pastor, trained Christian counselor, Author, Literacy Consultant, Herbologist, and Entrepreneur. She is a survivor of domestic violence and a formidable advocate in the fight against narcissistic abuse. Her groundbreaking work in the field of Christian Counseling and Narcissistic Abuse has inspired and influenced the lives of many worldwide. She is practitioner of holistic healing/ homeopathy and believes that all healing of the body comes from Yahweh the Most High God and from the herbs He provides in nature for mankind to heal the body's systems naturally.

As a published author, Nickie Ann is empowering others daily to unplug from worldly constructs that lead to self-hate and plug into Yahweh the only Source that can lead to healthy self-love, self-acceptance, and ultimate salvation. Her acclaimed book, "The Mornings I Woke Up with Two Men", was published in June 2021 and is currently available on Amazon. 

Available in Paperback and Ebook!

Based on a true story, fifteen-year-old Hannah and Ian fall madly in love with one another when they first meet in high school. Their exquisite fit makes them the envy of many around them very quickly. As they grow older, Hannah discovers a very dark side to Ian that foreshadows a future filled with secrets, heartbreak, turmoil, and the potential of losing her life.

She finally discovers that she is caught in a perilous web of mistreatment and deceit and makes an effort to rescue herself, but her charming but cunning captor always seems to draw her back in. Her harrowing and daring escape is a testament to women everywhere who have seen the depths of despair and reclaimed their lives once and for all.

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